I don't know about you, but I love a good massage! It's relaxing, it's good for you, and it's just... awesome! I love everything about massages. I love the dark room, the candle, the music, I love the warm oil and just how refreshed and relaxed I feel afterwards!
Can you relate?
I had no idea, that I would end up marrying someone that was really good at massages! This has become a regular practice in our home, so naturally when we had Bre I was ecstatic to learn about baby massage. I was four months pregnant when I first started researching it, and reading up on techniques etc. Nate lovingly used to call it baby spoiling, and laughed about how he would have to give his two girls massages all the time now (he was right)!
When Bre was in the NICU she had a ton of tummy troubles, reflux and constipation were so common and very problematic for her. While there, we met a fabulous occupational therapist who came and worked with us. She showed us some awesome tips and techniques to help Bre with her tummy troubles. She later printed me out a whole booklet on infant and baby massage and pretty much everyday since, Bre has gotten a massage! Bre has continued to face many struggles with underdeveloped intestines and such, so this is a great help for her. However, it is great for any baby! If you or someone you know has a little cutie nearby, pick them up and lets try out a few of these on them!
Benefits of Baby Massage
1. Boosts baby's immune system
I have heard of numerous moms that massage their babies daily and their children have never been sick! Massage is a great way to get circulation going and to ward off any of the bad bugs that may be looming in their little bodies!
2. Relieves Constipation/Gas/Colic
This is how we were introduced to it with Bre in the NICU, and it really works! There are some great tips and tricks that help things move along. Often times babies have trouble in this area at some point or another, and this helps relieve some of the discomfort! And it's an all natural way, rather than medications, enemas etc.
3. Bonding
This is right up there with breastfeeding for me in terms of bonding. I love how you can calm a screaming baby down with some massage, or just focus in for a moment. Bre and I often use the morning time before first nap to have some baby massage time, and then Dad and her have connect time in the evening. It's a great way to have fun, focus and relax together!
Watch your baby's cues as you begin. Tell them that you are going to give them a massage. I put an ocean waves soundtrack on and begin the massage. If at any point your baby is: drifting focus, getting more upset or whiny, change massage technique, or wait for a different time of day. Baby should be: engaged, looking at you, calming down, and may wiggle in excitement! I have even gotten Bre to fall asleep this way-- just go with what your baby is telling you and you'll be fine!!! This is a really cool way for dads to connect with baby and get good bonding in! Nate loves doing it and ending with a skin to skin cuddle session, which is so good for babies!
I LOVE YOU massage works wonders every time. I sing Bre a little tune and she usually smiles and giggles while those air bubbles work their way down! Picture the belly button in the center of the You part of the diagram. The important thing to remember with this is that the arrows are pointing down on the right side of the body, so always start there and move your way down on the right side, moving clockwise.
2. Tummy Strokes
This is a great way to bring a crying baby to a calm state fairly quickly. Put one hand on top of baby's tummy and let it sink into their tummy naturally. Obviously you don't put any of your weight into this, just the weight of your hand, and soon your hand will slowly sink into baby's tummy. Once baby is looking at you and calm then you start the strokes. From the chest to the lower abdomen one hand after another. Keep looking at your baby for cues that they are relaxing, bored or getting more anxious.
3. Calm Baby
Massaging those little toes with some high grade essential oils are a great way to help a baby relax, unwind and focus. The pores on the bottom of feet are the biggest in the body, so it allows the essential oils to soak in faster. It also feels really good! Bre loves her feet rubbed and always smiles and curls her toes while I do it!
I hope this helps you connect and engage with your little one! Enjoy the benefits of massage! Here are some great resources to check out for more information:
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