Just wanted to update everybody on where we're at with our move! (If you didn't get a chance to read about where or why we're moving click on the link and read about our latest transition!) Big changes Ahead. Our move date is still projected to be next week and we are chugging right along. I seriously can't believe how fast this is all happening!! Our house is almost packed up and I am learning the joys of packing with a teething crawling little cutie! To be honest, I was really nervous about packing with Bree, but it has become a great joy for me. I normally hate packing, especially by myself while Nate's at work, but Bree is such a great distraction... I mean helper!
The love and support from our friends here in Prescott has been phenomenal, I am so blessed by these awesome people. After bible study last night I told Nate I am just so sad to be leaving all my friends and yet I am really glad that I'm leaving them. I have been so blessed by a group of women that have been there and continue to be there. Their joy and encouragement as we make this transition has been such good boost for me!
This transition has been so different than any other transitions that we have had. On the packing front of things, we seem to have that down pretty well- I am so happy to say that this move we have finally figured out how to organize, and pack in a timely fashion (it only took the fourth move to figure it out)! On the other end of the spectrum our faith is being stretched in new ways. We are having to let go of our pride. Being on support and asking for help with the move has been such a humbling process. I am so thankful that God is so gracious and kind with us as we stumble and make mistakes in this process.
So here are some ways that you can be part of the fun!
1. Pray Pray Pray!
a)Pray for our marriage during this transition, for unity, peace and open communication. Pray that as a couple we keep moving forward and in God's will.
b)Pray for Nate. Pray as he leads our family, and for me that I would be a great supporter for him. Pray for Bree that she continues to stay healthy and that the two of us get some good mommy/ daughter time in the midst of the chaos
c) Pray that Nate and I get one last awesome Arizona adventure. Every adventure that we have attempted hasn't worked out. We'd love to have one more day of family fun to de-stress, and kind of say good bye to AZ ( for now). We have had so many fun adventures here!
2. Support: In order for us to be able to start working at IHC we need our full support. We are a little under the halfway mark. If you are interested in supporting us financially go to www.indianhillscamp.com **Please be sure and put Nathan Threlkeld in the message field so the funds can be applied accurately. All donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt in the mail.
*** If you get a chance Nate was featured in Refreshed Magazine check it out on page 18 just click on "Refreshed Magazine" below
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