Our journey to natural living started with our Bree being in the NICU and watching the ups and downs that she encountered with different medications, and such. I am definitely thankful for modern medicine, it saved her life- but at home we like to keep things clean for our bodies and the environment.
We've all had that moment of ugh feeling when one of our kids wakes up coughing and crying, hubby is passed out with a cold and maybe even you are feeling dragged down. Out comes the Nyquil, Tylenol and anything else you can get your hands on just to get through the day. Well that used to be me too, until I started using essential oils. Now I'm not ever excited when somebody gets sick, but I do get excited to use my oils, knowing full well that they will be in tip top shape in no time. Sorry Kim, colds don't bring drama in this house!

I am now a wellness advocate, to educate and inform families on the benefits that oils can have on their lives. I love seeing families that have always used conventional products make one simple switch and see amazing results usually within 24 hrs! Most over the counter medications mask symptoms, which is why 6 hrs later you feel like crap, rather than better. Essential oils actually have the ability to permeate cells and begin healing them immediately. That means that it may require a few more applications than popping a Tylenol, but will heal your body and get you back in action in no time. In light of cold and flu season upon us, here are my favorite oils to boost immunity as well as, get rid of that nasty cold fast.
1. On Guard

2. Melaluca/Tea Tree Oil
I am seriously in love with this oil, this oil has protected my kids time and time again from sickness! Tea Tree is a powerful antibacterial. I use this almost daily on my kiddos. Right before we leave the house I put a drop on their little feet, socks and shoes over it to really let it soak in and voila. Honestly, Bree has only had two colds in her life, and Connor caught a stomach bug for literally 2hrs, and then he was fine! This stuff works. The way that I like to use this oil is in our cleaning supplies, diffused, our homemade wipe solution, and diaper cream solution. This keeps yeast, diaper rashes and much more at bay for our kids.
This is one of my favorites for when I'm already sick and having body aches, lavender is a great way to calm the body, and bring rest. It is also a powerful antibacterial, so it aids your immune system in wonderful ways, and has a relaxing agent that helps you sleep off your sickness naturally. It won't knock you out like Nyquil, but doesn't have any of the nasty effects that Nyquil has either! So again, a drop or two on your feet, or your chest or back to bring healing and rest.
4. Eucalyptus
This is a great oil for major colds and flus where you might be experiencing congestion. Eucalyptus is a very powerful oil so it is not recommended to be used on children, but may be diffused to bring relief if your little one is experiencing congestion. For older kids and adults one drop with a tablespoon of coconut oil rubbed on your chest is a natural vicks vapor rub, that isn't petroleum based (always a win when you aren't putting stuff that's made for cars on your body).
5. Lemon

As always please use oils with caution and care. They carry medicinal properties so we want to respect our bodies by only using a little bit and with a carrier oil (always), like avocado oil, coconut oil, and even olive oil if you don't have anything else. The motto less is more is so true with oils, less than one drop will be fine for kids, and one-two drops for adults should be plenty.The bottoms of the feet have the largest pores in your body, so they are a great place to put your oil to restore healing to your whole body.
People can have allergic reactions so you may want to diffuse or try a small area of skin. If the oils get in your eyes or other membranes, or begin to burn, water will not work! Use your carrier oil to distribute the essential oil, and the burning will begin to ease up. Usually burning is associated with using too much essential oil or not using a carrier oil.
I hope some of these oils bring you health and encourage you in your journey to feeling better. If you have any questions feel free to message me, and I'd love to give you more info. Stay tuned for more blog posts! Happy oiling! https://www.mydoterra.com/ShoppingCart/index.cfm?FuseAction=CategoryShop&CategoryID=182
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