Her eyes light up every time she sees him. It seems her heart is bursting outside of her chest and the inevitable squeals come forth, arms outstretched ready to be grabbed up! These are pretty common occurrences in our house, but every time it happens I am struck by how much Bree loves her daddy. He is full of wonder and is ready to explore the world with her. The three of us love hiking and being in nature, but daddy and daughter have formed a special bond outdoors. Bree cranes her neck to look up at the massive trees and is in awe of their height, their beauty, color and the sound of birds perched on top. She always cranes her neck really far, fully trusting that her Daddy has got her (and he does!).
A daddy/daughter relationship is such a precious relationship. A Dad is the first man to tell her she's beautiful, to fully accept her, and to be an example of what a Godly man is. It is a role that comes with a lot of responsibility, and honor. As a woman, once a girl, I can tell you first hand that my Dad's opinion and heart matter so much to me, even still today. I remember going to the San Diego Zoo with my Dad and watching the monkeys, he would say silly things pretending to know what they were thinking, and I would eat up every word. As I got older I shared my struggles, joys, and ambitions with my Dad. He stayed up way too many nights with me helping with homework, wiping my tears, and hearing my heart. My Dad has become a friend now, he shares his heart with me, and I share mine.

No Dad will ever be perfect. In fact, some father/daughter relationships may be full of fear, anger, and lacking of love- but there is good news! God is the ultimate father, and he is NOTHING like earthly fathers (even the best ones). He is always faithful, he is always loving, he is always true. It is a funny thing how family relationships shape our view of God. My family relationships have shaped my view of God for the better and for the worse. I am so thankful for the word of God that is true to set my perspective again and I love having Bree around to show me what trust in my heavenly father should look like. Arms wide open, squealing with delight- ready to be embraced--- for this is HIS heart for you!
For this is what the Lord says:
“I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream;
you will nurse and be carried on her arm
and dandled on her knees.
As a mother comforts her child,
so will I comfort you;
and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.” Isa 66:12-13
So let today's words be an encouragement! Fathers, love your children, strive to be the image of Christ to your family. And for the rest of us, let the word of God change,shape and heal our perspective of God the Father.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
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