Leaving the NICU for the last and final time, felt so amazing! Being in our own bed, in our own town and with our baby felt like such a luxury. It felt like such a treat to be able to hold my baby as long as I wanted, breastfeed her as long as she wanted, and to just be- without a nurse or doctor helping. Most people talk about how scared they were to come home, and how out of sorts they felt, not us-- we had spent a month over our projected discharge date, and we were so ready!
What I wasn't prepared for was the... quiet. Our introduction into parenthood was busy hospital hallways, nurses and doctors with pagers, monitors beeping, and lots of people all around. One of my favorite things to do in the NICU was walk down the hall to the newest mom and say hi, meet her baby, and offer some encouraging words. I loved being able to connect with so many people. I loved getting to chat with our favorite nurses about their own lives and get to know them on a personal level.
But then we came home, no more lactation visits from our favorite lactation consultant, no more of our favorite nurses just stopping in to chat, no new moms to connect with. The house seemed so quiet. It was just me and Bre. I remember one morning waking up thinking, what do I do today: nurse,play, nap all day long? Really? I want more!
Today, our little preemie has a mind of her own. She is no longer sluggish, and sleepy like most newborns, she wants to get out and interact with people- which makes quarantine even harder!!! I'd be lying if I said that we haven't "cheated" occasionally, covering her in the car seat or the ergo baby sneaking into Target for a break, but for the most part, we have stayed put. She hasn't interacted with other kids, or gone out much at all, but any time that she has, much like me, she loves the people!
So, in honor of our last month at home, here are some activities that we have done to keep Bre safe, and us sane! Whether you are on quarantine with your preemie or stuck on a rainy day check it out!
1. Baby Sign
This is a great way to teach your child some new words, and create context for the world around them, and isn't just for babies. Bre is finally getting a lot of the signs, and making her own gestures for things that she wants. It is too much fun!
2. Tummy Time
Mom's have you done tummy time with your baby? It's hard work! Not only do I get a workout, but Bre loves the company. Today we rocked out on her baby drum set, and had a blast! Plus I toned my arms doing the cobra with her.
3. Get Out!
The danger of the flu season is the cold temperatures and people. So, when it has been warm enough, we have been taking daily walks, and weekend hikes! Bre loves to hike and be outside. She is fascinated by trees, and flowers! This is a great way to recharge your batteries!
4. Drive Thru Dates
Since it has been such a long journey for me and Nate, our dates have become drive thru style! That way we can have Bree away from people, but we get some time to escape the house! Drive to a pretty spot, and soak up some time together!
5. Traditions
As our lives have fallen into more of a routine here at home, we now have, traditions! I know they won't last forever,so I want to enjoy the time while I have it. I love how nursing her in the morning is our time. She laughs and giggles, grabs my nose, and eats- it's our time to bond! I love how in the afternoons we read books on the porch and watch the trees wrestle in the wind. And my favorite time of the day is when we have dance parties! Mostly it's just me dancing around, but Bre loves it, and one day she'll join her dorky mom and show her some better dance moves! No matter how long, or short of a time that you are stuck inside, enjoy it, for it won't be long before it's over and you'll miss it!
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