The internet is flooding with voices that are going to tell you which brand of essential oils is the best to use, but I am here to tell you-- do the research yourself! Not all brands that are expensive are high quality, and not all brands that say 100% pure are. It can be a very confusing world to enter into, but I highly suggest doing some research and finding the brand that you feel comfortable using.
Carrier Oils
First things first... always have a carrier oil! Do not use an oil on any part of your body with out it! Essential oils are highly concentrated (1 drop of lemon oil is the equivalent to 30 cups of lemon tea), so we want to be really careful as to how we use them! My favorite carrier oils are avocado oil, and coconut oil (mostly since those are the ones I cook with, so I kill two birds with one stone here!). Other oils are jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, and even olive oil! This process is called diluting oils, depending on what you are making, the ratio carrier oil/essential oil can differ. But I usually do a few tablespoons of carrier oil to one drop of essential oil (this is for adults).
Ok, so on to the good stuff-- the essential oils! Which ones do I use? And what are there many uses? These are my three are my absolute favorite and I use them almost on a daily basis!
- Calming for anything that is inflamed, swollen or burned
- Lavender is an adaptogen: meaning it aids in helping your body adjust to new situations, environments, and resisting stress
- Lavender is a great antibacterial
- Lavender smells amazing!!!
- Laundry detergent
- Baby wipe solution
- Baby/Adult soap and shampoo
- Sunburns,eczema,diaper rash
- Cleaning solutions
- Epsom salt detox baths
- Headaches/allergies (hubby has bad allergies- and hasn't had to take any meds since!)
- Just to breathe and relax from a long day!
- Amazing antibacterial
- Cuts grease fast!
- Great detox
- Promotes circulation in the body
- Helps with depression/ a great pick me up!
So how do we use lemon in our house?
- Cleaning solution for the kitchen
- Detoxes body when put in a glass of water
- Remove nasty odors in the house: shoes/diapers/ you name it
- Dishwasher: Leaves dishes spotless
- Diffused with lavender alleviates anxiety
- Aids in allergies when combined with lavender
- Facial toner: creates brighter skin aiding in circulation
Peppermint is fresh, fun and used daily in our home!
- Aids digestion
- Clears sinuses
- Helps allergies
- Takes away tension headaches
- Natural fever reducer
- Muscle relaxant
- Cools itchy sunburns or scrapes
- Cleans and whitens teeth
So how do we use it in our home?
- Homemade icy hot-- works like a charm!
- Natural "Tums"
- Nausea reliever
- Homemade toothpaste/mouthwash
- Fever reducer
- Tension headaches
- Allergies
- Diffusing for a fresh outlook on the day!
I hope this encourages you to do some research, or pull out essential oils that you haven't used in a while! Below are some great resources for you to check out for more information. So what's your experience with essential oils? Have you tried them? Which ones are your favorite? Comment below and let me know!
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